Scripture Reading - Philippians 4:6-7

6 Be careful for nothing; but in every thing by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God.
7 And the peace of God, which passeth all understanding, shall keep your hearts and minds through Christ Jesus. KJV

In today’s world we must be on guard against worry. A lot of things are going on all over the globe, the threat of nuclear war, terrorism, actual wars and even increasing ungodliness throughout the world. However, we can not afford to worry or wonder about world events. We know that no matter what happens in this world we have security in Christ Jesus. Verse 6 states that our first defense against things that would try to concern us is prayer. Notice the verse states, “but in everything by prayer and supplication with thanksgiving let your requests be made known unto God”. This is telling us we have two avenues to channel our concerns. The first channel (tool, weapon, strategy) is prayer which basically is communication with God on all levels. Praying simple short effective prayers from a verse of scripture that comes to your mind at the time is the primary channel that is used most often. However, if you need to do some research in the Holy Bible and find your answer according to not one scripture but several scriptures that involve people a supplication may be the appropriate channel. Angela and I would never try to make prayer or supplication a formula but we only stated two different ways of looking at this scripture. Specifically in verse 6 the word “supplication” means to humbly ask God, or earnestly (fervently) make a request. Therefore your “supplication” should be well thought out and validated by scripture. When praying a prayer of faith there must be boldness and patience. Whereas a supplication unto God must be with humility and an understanding of God’s Love. Moreover both channels must be accompanied by thanksgiving because the word of God is crystal clear on this subject. It is not good enough to just pray or just supplicate we must offer thanksgiving with either, and both. This is how we remove care (concern, anxiety, worry, fear, etc….). It is unwise to be overly concerned about things in our own life because worry breeds stress and stress breeds mental frustrations and physical break downs. The Believer’s solution is simple. Recall what God said about you in His Word follow Philippians 4:6 closely to reap the reward of verse 7. When you are faithful do your part the Lord with manifest to peace of Philippians 4:7 in your life. God’s will is to replace care with peace and to replace confusion with an understanding of His Word. However you must pray and/or supplicate with thanksgiving to experience the peace of God’s Holy Spirit through the understanding of God’s Word. If you practice this daily you will experience the peace of God sustaining your spirit and the Word of God enlightening your soul to keep you from care in Christ Jesus. Amen!